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RFID asset tracking

If you are still recording assets using barcodes, you know the pitfalls. Sometimes the code from the cleaner is erased and illegible, sometimes it's downstairs in the dark, sometimes it's between the cupboard and the wall, and sometimes you can't see it even though you know it must have been on the furniture last year. If you want to speed up this process to a tenth of the time, switch to RFID.

The big advantage of RFID technology is speed. An average sized office with twenty items can take you five or ten minutes to read each barcode. But when you use RFID, theRFID Alien H450 or Cipherlab RK25 readers with RFID UHF attachment, for example, will read equipment within five metres in seconds. Then you only have to deal with subsequent changes to the furniture records on the terminal display. You don't have to climb on all fours or stick your hand behind the cabinet, in short, everything is solved conveniently and quickly.

RFID tags are also a printable sticker, so they can carry the same information in a barcode/2D code. An example of a common tag is the RFID-T-ALN9830. You can also keep track of metal inventory with metal tags, for example with this ZEB-RFID-10027757-1 tag.

Since suitable readers for RFID UHF are Android-based, you can program a suitable asset management app yourself or reach out to us. We will prepare such a customized application for you. It can be simple, where you just compare the items of the official room inventory or you can directly assign transferred chairs to new rooms ... in short, as you need it. We've been programming for Android since 2017 and have been doing asset inventory since 2000.

Now you have no choice but to let us calculate the cost and compare it to when you will see a return on your investment in time saved.

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